Engaging online trainings workshop

Training is hard work. First, you have to know your topic inside out. Whether it is a product, service, concept or anything else – to train others, you have to have the knowledge or – better yet – the know-how. But that is not quite enough. The next step is to know how to pass it on to others. And only then do we get to engaging online trainings!

Engaging online trainings

Key Outcomes

  • Online engagement skills

  • Tools for online training sessions

  • Confidence as an online trainer

  • Event design

how it works

Some of the topics we cover are the same whether we discuss live or online events. Some are even universal to the type of event. Having a goal in mind before you come up with methods is one example. Considering your participant journey is another. What makes the online aspect unique are rather the tools we present.

A lot of non-formal and even informal learning happens during semi-unplanned breaks and conversations during a live event. How can we create a similar atmosphere online? Greeting people into the room, chatting with the person who sits next to are also part of a live event, but not the same online. Not the same does not mean impossible though! Considering the participant journey, neuroscience and the theory of learning, we will deconstruct online trainings to tangible building blocks and teach you how to construct your own online training sessions!

learning outcomes

Online training design 

Considering participant journey

Using design thinking skills to prepare training events

Tools for online engagement and presentation

Skills to choose the right approach


"Thank you, it was truly inspiring!"


"Thank you, Tiina-Katrina, it was full of useful tips!"

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