
Participants connect meaningfully by sharing their strengths and what they’d like to learn in their private and professional life.

Key Outcomes

  • Meaningful networking

  • Self-reflection

  • Ice-breaker for an event

  • Learning from each other


Participants get cue cards with 3 questions about their private and professional activities, learning needs and strengths. After  individual reflection, they share results in small groups. The task is to find similarities and differences between the answers, marking down noteworthy answers. Participants make notes on the next steps when they find something they want to learn from somebody or follow up on. The flow of the conversations is flexible to encourage forming deeper connections. 


Networth provides a framework of meaningful questions for the participants to reflect on and share with each other. It will break the ice and accelerate networking and relationship building in any team. The aim is to raise the quality of networking by concentrating on the deeper interests that people share. It also fosters a self-learning culture in the organization by encouraging inner reflection and knowledge transfer among the participants. 

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