Quickfire Festive Online

Festive, fun-packed remote teambuilding

Key Outcomes

  • Motivation

  • Energy & Focus

  • Rewarding a Team

  • Team Dynamics

how it works

Santa presents each team with 12 rounds of fun, festive challenges. Downloaded via our purpose-built app, multiple teams go head-to-head in this highly engaging festive activity. Each member of the team takes turns in leading their team, just like in a game of pass the parcel, unwrapping round after round of quiz questions and interactive fun. The multi-various challenges are designed to include all skill sets, build remote connection and foster spontaneous improvisation. Points equal prizes as teams go head to head to work through as many challenges as possible in the allocated time.

learning outcomes

The online Christmas party is new territory for everybody and without proper planning can feel awkward and undirected. Quickfire Festive gives a defined structure to your party and offers a fun way to relax and engage participants in a meaningful teambuilding activity.The game matrix eases participants through increasingly challenging tasks that require out of the box thinking and decisive action to achieve in a remote context.Quickfire Festive Online encourages players to be agile, resourceful, supportive and make the best of their circumstance. It’s a great way to boost resilience and motivate remote teams for the year ahead.

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